Sec. Michael Lloyd Dino together with DOH-7 Regional Director Dr. Jaime Bernadas and RDC Chairman Kenneth Cobonpue attends the blessing and inauguration of the Cebu Doctor’s’ University Hospital Extesion Emergency Room.
CebuDoc Group President and Chairman of the Board Dr. Potenciano Larrazabal III thanked Christina Lee Dino Foundation for donating thru OPAV an airconditioned tent used to house the extension ER, which will be dedicated for non-COVID patients while the old ER will now be for COVID patients.
Sec. Dino likewise thanked CebuDoc Group for acceding to the request to allocate more COVID beds of its hospitals in order to accommodate more patients in this challenging time. He also thanked the frontliners especially the nurses who’ve worked harder for the past months and assured them that the government thru President Duterte is looking out for them. He announced that Mayor Labella has championed the additional incentives for nurses in private hospitals in Cebu City.
Dr. Bernadas also reiterated that the DOH-7 will provide manpower support especially that CDUH has converted its medical ward into a COVID Charity Ward with 50 beds increasing its COVID beds from 70 to 120.
OPAV and DOH is really working closely with the private hospitals to address congestion in hospitals.
The COVID Charity Ward with 50 bed-capacity features negative pressure with HEPA filter and is set to open next week. (OPAV)