
APPTECH shares innovations in SAP solutions


APPTechnology Experts Inc. (APPTECH) holds Customer Day in Cebu to give updates on SAP solutions that would help them adjust to changes in the digital economy.

“The objective (of the Customer Day) is essentially to share with our existing customers the latest innovations of SAP solutions, particularly SAP Business One,” said APPTECH Managing Director Maribeth Baba. The company is one of the providers and resellers of SAP in the Philippines.


APPTECH Managing Director Ms. Maribeth Baba


SAP solutions help automate the business processes to automate the repetitive tasks to enable employees to focus more on productivity, and help the business save on costs and deliver the objectives planned for the short and long term, Ms. Baba explained.


APPTECH Cebu Branch Operations Manager Ms. Madonna Lumayag

SAP Philippines Channel Sales Manager Alfie Amontos discussed how SAP Business One can help small and medium businesses.

SAP is one of the world’s leading producers of software for the management of business processes. “Times are uncertain; customers’ needs are increasingly evolving and the business environment is moving fast. Today, you are working on fulfilling a particular business need. Tomorrow, you will have new ones. Finding solutions to problems means innovating,” Amontos explained.


SAP Philippines Channel Sales Manager Mr. Alfie Amontos

He noted the disadvantages for businesses to do processes manually. “There are many problems, real-life problems, that can be solved through automation. It’s the reason why we are advocating for digital transformation and why we are evangelizing also the use of SAP Business One.”

Amontos cited the rise of cloud computing and artificial intelligence that shape the future of business and work. “It is critical to note that Business One remains the core solution of SAP for SMEs. It is for the lower mid-market, together with SAP S4HANA Public Cloud, which is positioned for the upper mid-market.”

“These technologies will be able to help them in their business processes, to become efficient, and to achieve their growth objectives,” he said.


Mr. JR Barte, APPTECH Partner Consultant SAP Business One Expert


Mr. Leonard Cabillos, APPTECH Development Team Manager of APPTECH Experts

The SAP S/4HANA takes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to the next level by using the power of in-memory computing to process vast amounts of data and to support advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

‘Our battle cry right now in SAP is to accelerate, to innovate with SAP Business Technology Platform,” Amontos said. He described SAP BTP as a platform that combines application development, automation, data management, analytics and planning, integration, and Artificial Intelligence capabilities into one unified environment optimized for SAP applications.


Meanwhile, APPTECH Solutions Delivery Director Mary Yarzo said their company assists clients in implementing SAP solutions by identifying the priority requirements of businesses. The company helps clients use solutions as soon as possible, she said.

Through the company’s application support, APPTECH assists clients on day-to-day issues they encounter and guides them on the unused functionalities, Ms. Yarzo said. Buyers of SAP solutions have to enroll in software maintenance, she added.


APPTECH Delivery Director Ms. Mary Yarzo

“In the Philippines, our renewal rate is 93%, meaning out of the 100 customers that bought the system, 93% of them enrolled in the software maintenance. That’s our testament that the customer is happy with and satisfied with the system and the services,” Ms. Yarzo disclosed.