
A Journey Through Modern China: My Media Tour Experience



When I received the news that RMA News had been selected as part of the Philippine media delegation for a tour in China, I knew this was an opportunity of a lifetime. Organized by the China Public Diplomacy Association, this trip promised a deep dive into China’s economic, social, and cultural landscape, and I was thrilled to be part of it.

Day 1: Arrival in Beijing – A Warm Welcome

Our journey began on August 13, 2024, with an early morning departure from Manila to Beijing via Air China. Before we left, His Excellency Ambassador Huang Xilian briefed us on the exciting itinerary that lay ahead, which included visits to Beijing, Suzhou, Yancheng, and Shanghai.


The Philippine Media Delegation together with His Excellency Ambassador Huang Xilian (center)


Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines His Excellency Ambassador Huang Xilian conducted a briefing on the itineraries and activities in Beijing, Jiangsu (Suzhou), Jiangsu (Yancheng) and Shanghai China.


Beijing, China Cityscape

I was immediately struck by the seamless blend of tradition and modernity when stepping off the plane at Beijing Capital International Airport. From the sleek airport architecture to the sprawling cityscape, it was clear that China is a nation on the move.




The Philippine Media Delegation visited the Asian-African Center of China Media Group at Beijing Capital

Our first official stop was the Asian-African Center of China Media Group, where we had a productive discussion with Mr. Feng Chen, CGTN’s Deputy Director of Audio Programming—the day ended with a welcoming banquet hosted by CPDA Vice President Tong Xiaoling at the luxurious St. Regis Beijing. The warmth of our hosts and the venue’s grandeur set the tone for the days to come.



China Public Diplomacy Association (CPDA) Vice President Tong Xiaoling hosted a welcoming banquet to the Philippine Media Delegation held at St. Regis Beijing, a luxury hotel located in the heart of Beijings quiet, diplomatic compound

Day 2: Engaging Discussions and Cultural Immersion

The second day began with an intellectually stimulating visit to the China Institute of International Studies, where we exchanged ideas with scholars on topics ranging from global security to Asia-Pacific relations. These discussions provided insight into China’s diplomatic strategies and vision for global peace and development.


Experts from the Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy Studies Centre, the Centre for Global Security Initiatives and Asia- Pacific Research Institute.


The main building of the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS)

Later in the afternoon, we visited the Beijing Folklore Museum, where we donned traditional Chinese attire and experienced China’s rich cultural heritage. The day concluded with a working dinner at Kuntai Royal Hotel, where we connected with Chinese media representatives and scholars.



Wearing the traditional Chinese costumes at Beijing Folklore Museum, the only state-owned museum dedicated to folk culture in Beijing that holds a variety of folk touring activities



Meeting with Ambassador Yu Hong of the Department of Asian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs where key issues between the Philippines and China was brought up including Communist Party of China policy of modernization


Working dinner with Chinese media representatives and scholars at Kuntai Royal Hotel

Day 3: A Glimpse into China’s Revolutionary Past

Our third day in Beijing was a walk through history as we toured the Museum of the Communist Party of China. The museum’s innovative use of 4D technology brought the revolutionary period to life, making us experience the Long March. The day ends with a visit to the Great Wall of China, an awe-inspiring structure that symbolizes China’s strength and resilience.


The Philippine Media Delegation exchange ideas with the officials of China Institute for International Strategic Studies led by Mr. Chen Wei. CIISS conduct studies on international strategic situation, global security, world political and economic as well as regional issues




Over 2,500 pictures and more than 4,500 sets of cultural relics are displayed, providing a comprehensive, panoramic, and epic presentation of the grand century-long journey of the Communist Party of China



One of the most notorious structures in the entire world, The Great Wall of China which was built over centuries by China’s emperors to protect their territory. Today, it stretches for thousands of miles along China’s historic northern border

Day 4: Suzhou – The Venice of the East

We traveled to Suzhou via the G5 bullet train, marveling at the breathtaking landscapes that whizzed past at 358 km/h. Suzhou, often referred to as the “Venice of the East,” amazed us with its beautiful gardens and historic architecture.

Our itinerary included visits to Suzhou Ruohang Transportation Development Co., LTD. and Airspeech Technology Co., LTD. where we saw firsthand how China is leading the way in innovation. The day came to a close after a sumptuous dinner at Jinji Lake Grand Hotel, hosted by the Director of Suzhou Foreign Affairs Office, Mr. Wei Shujie.


Suzhou Ruohang Transportation Development Co., LTD situated at the Suzhou Industrial Park Helicopter Base, a development region in Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. Suzhou Helibase is currently the largest heliport in Changjiang Triangle Delta area which helicopter manufacturers, retailers, and service providers settles in to help make Suzhou heliport the biggest heliport in Asia



Welcome dinner hosted by the Director of Suzhou Foreign Affairs Office Mr. Wei Shujie held at the luxurious Jinji Lake Grand Hotel in Suzhou

Day 5: Exploring Industry and Culture in Suzhou

The next day, we met with Panhua Group’s Chairman, Mr. Li Xinghua, who gave us a tour of his company’s steel production facilities and ports. Later, we visited Suzhou Vocational University’s Robotics Department, where we were impressed by the cutting-edge research and technology being developed.

We also explored the Humble Administrator’s Garden, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and ended the day after some shopping and dining at the lively Pingjiang Road.



Panhua Group Co., Ltd. Chairman Mr. Li Xinghua who owns a high-tech private enterprise presented to the members of the media his various companies in China


Robotics Department of Suzhou Vocational Universit, a full-time school of higher vocational learning, funded by Suzhou Municipal Government


The most famous gardens in Suzhou, thousands of tourists and locals flocked at The Humble Administrator’s Garden located at 178 Northeast Street, Gusu District



With the able assistance of Ms. Ren Zhifang, Director of the Liason Department of CPDA, the Philippine media delegation had a wonderful and pleasant experience in China considering the very hectic schedules ahead


A must visit tourist spot in Suzhou is Pingjiang Road, an ancient street with well preserved blocks with 1,606 meters stretch from north to south packed with restaurants, bars, souvenir shops, historical buildings and lovely bridges

Day 6: Yancheng – Nature and Industry

Our journey continued to Yancheng, where we visited the Yellow Sea Wetland Museum, a stunning display of China’s commitment to ecological conservation. We also toured the Jiangsu Yueda Kia Motor Co. plant, witnessing the scale and precision of China’s automotive industry.



More than 1,000 animal specimens, herbaria and landscapes of representative wetlands, habitats of migratory birds and slit beach are being displayed at the Yellow Sea Wetland Museum



A welcome dinner for the Philippine Media Delegation in Yancheng was hosted by the Foreign Affairs Office of Yancheng Director Ms. Zhou Xiaoqing held at Golden Eagle Summit Hotel


The general automobile manufacturing plant of Jiangsu Yueda Kia Motor Co., Ltd. The plant has the latest cutting-edge equipment and automated facilities in manufacturing cars, multi-purpose vehicles (MPV), buses, pure electric cars (EV), inspection cars, news cars, propaganda vans, supervision cars, dual-fuel cars, investigation team cars, postal vehicles, inspection vehicles, television equipment vehicles under such brands as KIA.


Day 7: Shanghai – A City of the Future

Our final destination was Shanghai, a city that epitomizes China’s rapid modernization. We visited the Site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a significant historical landmark, and had discussions with experts at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies.

No trip to Shanghai would be complete without a visit to the Oriental Pearl Tower, where we enjoyed breathtaking views of the city. A dinner at the revolving restaurant high above the city was the perfect way to reflect on our journey.

We also experienced the iconic Huangpu River Cruise, taking in the dazzling night lights of Shanghai’s skyline.



A renowned historical attraction of Shanghai, the Site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China which is is now preserved as a museum in Shanghai, China. The museum combines exhibits about the history of China, the history of the city of Shanghai, and the events surrounding the foundation of the Chinese Communist Party


While in Shanghai, the Philippine Media Delegation had an exchange of ideas on certain issues between Philippines and China with the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS), a comprehensive research institution, one of the earliest government-affiliated think tanks in China dedicated to international studies



The Oriental Pearl Radio & Television Tower has become a major tourist attraction and a cultural icon of Shanghai. The tower is the 4th highest in Asia and the 6th highest tower in the world with a height of 468 meters high


Diners get a spectacular view of Shanghai City while enjoying lunch or dinner at the Revolving Restaurant, the 2nd highest revolving restaurant in Asia that revolves once every 2 hours



A Huangpu River cruise has now become a must-have activity when visiting Shanghai. Enjoy the most extraordinary night view and scenery along Huangpu River on board the ship where a choice of Chinese food, western cuisine and a buffet is available



Shanghai’s shopping district late at night for last minute shopping

Final Day: A Bittersweet Farewell

On our last day, we visited Liwayway China Co. Ltd., famous for its Oishi snack products, and toured Huawei’s state-of-the-art research campus. As our trip drew to a close, we boarded the Maglev bullet train to Shanghai Pudong International Airport, traveling at an exhilarating 300 km/h.

Reflecting on the trip, I felt immense gratitude for having a firsthand look at modern China and its impact on the world. A special thanks to the China Public Diplomacy Association, the Chinese Embassy in Manila, and the Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Cebu for making this journey possible.

I left with a deeper understanding and appreciation of its culture, people, and achievements. Until next time, China!



Meeting with Liwayway China Co. Ltd. executives, the company that manufactures and distributes food products which produces potatoes chips, corns chips, candies, and related leisure products. The company’s Executive Vice President Mr. Peter Li and Vice President Benjamin Tan briefed the members of the media about their success story


Liwayway’s products in China are marketed under the brand “Oishi Shanghaojia,” which in 2001, received the Shanghai Famous Brands award, firmly establishing itself as a major brand in Shanghai, and the rest of China as well. Oishi has over 100 varieties of snack foods and confectionery products, with 15 subsidiaries in various parts of China


Liwayway China Co. Ltd. Executive Vice President Mr. Peter Li with RMA News Founder Robby Mongaya Alugar



Huawei hosted a sumptuous lunch after a quick tour at their research campus in Qingpu, intended to be the center of new tech hub in western Shanghai


Maglev bullet train from Longyang Road Metro Station to Shanghai Pudong International Airport


At Shanghai Pudong International Airport bound for Manila