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Help keep your bathroom sparkly clean by using this specialized solution against pesky stains 

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From taking care of family members to making sure every inch of living space is sparkling clean, homemakers are truly today’s modern heroes. However, germ accumulations and stain buildups that require potent cleaning solutions present a challenge to moms and homemakers.

These problems become more apparent when cleaning the dirtiest part of Filipino homes—the toilet, which is very vulnerable to develop yellowish stains over time.

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These yellow circles inside toilets are called limescales. These often appear in toilets and are commonly caused by hard water sources, which are rich in calcium, magnesium, and other minerals.

Once hard water enters the toilet, it leaves deposits of limescale in the toilet and other places. The discoloration worsens when waste dirt and germs build up.

They are common in communities across the Visayas and Mindanao, because most Philippine provinces source their water supplies from the ground that accumulates mineral deposits causing limescale.

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To help Filipino homemakers manage limescale, Unilever developed a specialized solution, the Domex Stain and Limescale Toilet Bowl Cleaner. It is formulated with hydrochloric acid to help deal with limescale.

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The product was highlighted at an exclusive media event organized by Unilever Domex in Mactan, Cebu. While demonstrating the power of the product on a stained tile, Unilever Homecare Research and Development CTI Assistant Manager Lorena Miranda shared, “Much like the other products in the Domex line, the Stain and Limescale can fight against limescale and kills 99.9% of germs based on lab test on representative bacteria and help make it sparkling clean.”

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During the event, Domex also celebrated the dedication of homemakers who go the extra mile for their families in all aspects. This was highlighted in a forum segment featuring Cebuano mommy influencers who shared their concerns when it comes to limescale and their tips in dealing with it. Popular Content Creators like Pamilya Abilla and Team Uyseco also graced the event.

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During the forum, Mompreneur Malaya Macaraeg-Delantar shared that being married made her start using cleaning alternatives because it seemed more practical. “I thought those alternatives I was using helped me save time, money, and energy but it turns out to be the opposite. I realized from the presentation earlier that I need to switch back to using Domex!”

Danieca Goc-ong (aka content creator, DanVibes) also shared how she first tried Domex because her mom recommended it. “She always loved cleaning that’s why she advised me not to settle for general solutions when it comes to cleaning. I remember being surprised when I first tried Domex because it made my cleaning quick and easy!”

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Unilever Domex Brand Manager and Homecare Digital Lead, Nicole Villavicencio, raised a toast, thanking homemakers for their dedication to maintaining safe, nurturing, and clean homes for their loved ones. “We appreciate and recognize all of our homemakers for the unstoppable efforts to make their house a home. With Domex, trust that in the years to come, we are with you in keeping your homes safe and clean.”

Everything that you do to make our lives sparkle is truly a labor of love. Your ability to effortlessly carry on with your countless errands while keeping the family comfortable and healthy is nothing short of remarkable.”

Fights limescale build-up and keep bathrooms and homes sparkling clean with Domex Stain and Limescale Toilet Bowl Cleaner. Domex is also available in Ultra Thick Bleach and All-Purpose Cleaner variants that are available in all leading supermarkets.