Marco Polo Plaza Cebu is delighted to announce the appointment of Max Huber as its new General Manager. With a distinguished career spanning prestigious...
Special Features
With its exceptional legacy of igniting the very first chain of homegrown pawnshops “agencias” in Colon St. Cebu City and developing into , the largest non...
This year, Ikebana International Cebu Chapter 145 will mark its 54th anniversary with an exhibit titled “Beyond Blooms” scheduled for April 5 (7pm...
“A dream can take a man anywhere, there is no limit to such, but for one to achieve his dream, he must create it” as the famous quote say. Construction doesn’t...
The Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Central Visayas is proud to announce the re-launching of its Cebu Hub, aimed at reigniting the passion...