President Rodrigo Roa Duterte leads the awarding of incentives to Philippine Olympians in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and other Filipino athletes at the Rizal Hall...
Cebu can produce champions in Esports/gaming if local government, academe and industry collaborate to promote video gaming such as Call of Duty, League of...
Mr. Michael Verano, Philippine Men’s National Volleyball Team Manager, described Ilocos Norte as a “safer and relaxing” venue to conduct bubble training camp...
MINERVA BC NEWMAN CEBU CITY – A newly-organized, Cebu-based company–the Monarchs Esports, formally launched its determination and passion to develop and...
Inspired by this year’s Virtual Cebu Marathon that celebrated the 500th year from the time when Magellan landed on the shores of Mactan in 1521 and brought...